Both of these agents allow the suffering individual to begin psycho-social treatment (Akeela, Alaska Family Services & Set Free Alaska) while preventing relapse. It is suggested (SAMSHA) that Vivitrol injections are administered for 12-18 months. To ensure safe passage through the transitions of Lazarus and provide ‘peer to peer’ support, we utilize Fiend2Clean. If you have more questions, please feel free to email us at the gmail account to provide you with contacts regarding each component. (the Bridge device, Vivitrol injections, treatment programs)
If you interested in talking with someone confidentially regarding the Lazarus model, here is a short description of that group’s part of the Lazarus Team, followed by cell numbers of those you may ask questions of:
FallenUpMinistries- is a non-profit organization that introduced the Bridge device to the task force. Their organization offers support and provides individuals transportation to get to medical appointments and other related appointments. They also offer the same service for individuals that want to attend Acts247 Recovery Church. For more information you can contact the following individuals for a confidential conversation regarding the Lazarus detox model or for peer to peer support.
Terria Walters @907-748-0316
Mark Weaver @907-229-7087
Serena Espinoza@907-521-7467
Fiend2Clean-is an organization that offers peer to peer support, community connection and helps people in or seeking recovery to get connected to the resources they need. They assist in providing Lazarus clients the necessary transitions between each component of the detox/treatment model. If you need more information about Lazarus or peer to peer support call:
982-HOPE (4673)
Other Helpful Links
Project HOPE- Free opioid overdose kits (Narcan) are available after going through 30 minutes of training. The goal is to get it into the hands of the public to revive opioid users from an overdose, no matter where they live in Alaska, be it the city or in the bush. There will 5,000 kits every year for 5 years through a Federal grant. For more information about future training, please contact-
Andy Jones, with Division of Public Health @907-334-2593 or [email protected].
R.E.A.L. ( Recovery is Everyones Access to Life) About Addiction- is an organization that provides support services for individuals seeking recovery. They provide wrap-services to ensure a clean & sober life style. They have had a series of drug informational events to raise awareness and rally community members to become involved in fighting our drug problem. This is a peer to peer support network reaching out to assist anyone wanting to be in recovery. They are planning
( 4/2017) to form an Anchorage Opioid Task Force. For more information, please call:
Serena Espinoza@907-521-7467
Mark Weaver @907-229-7087
Mark Weaver @907-229-7087
Facebook Sites-
Fiend2Clean l Facebook CALL TO ACTION
My House l Facebook The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
( Wasilla, Alaska)
If you have other ‘Helpful Links’ that you believe would provide additional resources, services or support for suffering individuals, family or friends, please contact us at the gmail account. Again, the goal of this website is to provide a springboard or bridge that helps give hope to those affected by opioids and end opioid abuse.